Rated M- Contains graphic and disturbing imagery and language

Free to read until Jan. 1 2021
Episode one- not professional edited
Sitting on his couch dozing in and out of sleep. The soft sound of the T.V. along with the peacefulness of the neighborhood relaxes him. A knock on the door jolts him awake. "One sec," he says as he walks to the door. Sitting on the welcome mat was a package. He grabs the box but then notices a significant shadow streak overhead. He gaze up to sees nothing.
"Must have been a cloud," he thinks to himself.
He lifts the package and takes it into the living room. As he sits the box down, he smiles. He knows what it is. It's the new battery for his son's Wagon Racer. It's a battery-driven car that children can drive. His son's Wagon Racer battery leaks, and he knows it's not safe to let his son use it until he gets fixed. He takes out his phone and calls his wife.
"Baby, guess what?" He said.
"No, the laser hair removal didn't come in, you just going be hairy one more day," he said with a giggle. "Sam's battery came in. I felt bad not letting him drive it, so I really hope he excited to sees it." He said with an energetic smile.
Just then, he felt a pinch in his neck. "damn!" He said as he slaps at the irritation.
"No… It's was nothing, babe. Hurry home. I want to see his face when Sam sees his car again. Yes. Ok, I love you too," he hangs up the phone. His neck began to itch. He scratches it, but it seems like the discomfort is under his skin. Then suddenly the itching stops. He was relieved that the pain is gone. He tells himself if it comes back, he will go to the doctor. But for now, he is going to fix his son's car. He opens the door to the basement. Following the steps, it leads him to the car sitting in front of the basement's back door. Starting to install the new battery when he hears something.
"Feed us."
"Hey, who's there," he looks around, trying to locate the strange message's source. Then a thump seems to come from behind his eyes, and the voice was more intense. "Feed us." He grabs his forehead with the palm of his hand. A vicious headache soon followed the sound. "I need to get to the Hospital," He thinks as he tries to shake off the pain. He pretends that the voices weren't there. He grabbed his phone to call his wife. But as he began to dial the number, a pressure formed inside his head, causing him to drop his phone and fall to his knees. He grabbed his head again; the pain was even more severe. His nose began to bleed. He reached for his phone to tell his wife not to come home. He was scared. As his fingertips touched the phone again, the swelling in his head became more intense, and the voice became louder. "Feed us. Feed us. Feed us!" He looks up at the roof and screams, "What do you want to eat!" He slowly began to succumb to the demonic voice in his head.
Just then, he heard laughter and footsteps walking up to his house. "Sam, come on, Hun. Let's hurry and get changed. Dad has a surprise today." A little boy grabs his mom's hand; Gleefully, she swings him up the porch and begins to unlock the door.
"No... No... Not them... Please not them," he pleads with the scratchy clawing voice in his head. He slams his head against the wall over and over. The bumping alerted his wife from outside, and she quickly unlocked the door.
She enters the house.
"Delvin, sweetie? What's that noise? Are you ok?" she yells.
There was no answer.
She moves further into the house and repeats the same question.
Still no answer.
He tries to remain quiet as the voice continues to sear the demonic commands into his head. His eyes remain close, as he fights the pain, only to feel the smooth handle of something hefty. Begrudgingly he opens his eyes to see in his hands the wooden shaft that belonged to a bright red ax. This blade only used once to chop a fallen limb of the tree in the backyard. But even with the limited time he had with the ax.
It felt unnervingly natural to hold.
Slowing succumb to the desire of the godly voice in his mind. He sat down in an old metal chair. The thud of him sitting, pushed the chair back, sending a screeching sound up the stairs.
The basement's doorknob slowly turns.
His wife heard the noise. She opened the door and began slowly walking down the stairs. She closed the door behind her.
She sees her husband sitting with his head looking at the floor.
She notices a red liquid on the wall and touches it lightly.
"Is this blood?" she thinks.
She turns, stares at her husband, and sees blood dripping from his forehead.
"Delvin. Delvin. Honey, are you ok?
She walks towards her husband, stopping when she sees the weapon in his hand.
"Sweetie, did you hit your head? Should I call for help?
He drops the ax and looks up at his wife.
"Nawl babe, I was looking for this ax. I need to clear the branches in the backyard and
bumped my head on the wall. It hurt so fucking bad. I needed to sit down."
"Awww, I'm so sorry baby," His wife said with a slight chuckle
She held her arms out to embrace her husband. Rising up, he returned the hug. She kissed him on his forehead, wiping away the blood from his face. He smiled, wrapped his arms tightly around his wife's neck, pulled her close, and kissed her deeply again.
She leaned back with a comforting smile, satisfied that everything was ok.
She asked about the car and was it ready for Sam to drive. Delvin turned towards the car and answered, "yes." "That's wonderful. I'll get Sam. He will be so happy," She replied. When she began to walk back to the basement's stairs, Delvin turned around swiftly. Tears were streaming down his face. She asked, "Sweetie, what's wrong?" Why are you cr..." Before she could finish her question, he vised his arms around her neck. Her smile faded from contentment to confusion to terror as she noticed the intent in his eyes. She fought, tussled and begged for him to stop. Until a low "snapped" was heard, and her body went limp.
"Mom," the little boy search for his mother upstairs, until he heard the sounds of hacking in the basement.
He slowly turns the doorknob.
He opens the door and sees nothing.
He follows the stairs that lead him to his Wagon Racer. He excitedly runs up to the car and gets inside. He starts making driving noises with his mouth.
But didn't notice his dad standing behind him with ax raised high.
Episode Two- not professional edited
Two weeks later.
The sound of a gun sends a blast in the air, signaling the start of the race. The eight men that were lined up, suddenly sped down the track. The crowd blast horns and cheers as the 200-meter dash comes down to the just three contestants. Jason, a slim-built aesthetic pleasing white male with dusty blonde hair and light green eyes, leads the pack. Following close was Riley, a medium build light brown skin muscular man with a trimmed goatee. His dread flowed through the air with each step taken. He was the winner of the 100-meter dash earlier this day. He was considered the fastest man in the state. Lastly, Shaun brought up the rear of the final three, a darker brown stocky man with a low fade and a clean-shaven face. Having the body of an upper-level bodybuilder, he entered to prove that he was still as fast as the smaller man.
The last 40 meters was upon them.
Shaun exhausted, pushes himself to catch up with the two leading racers. As Riley runs pass Jason, he turns a gives a smile to his track mate. Jason determines not to lose again to his high school friend, pushes himself past his limits.
Fifteen meters to the finish.
Jason darted pass a surprised but delighted Riley. The duo flash down the last meters of the track to the finish line. The crowd lights up with excitement, which only spark a fire in the leading two, as they push even harder down the final stretch. But the group wasn't cheering for the pair, but at the determination of Shaun closing in on them. Being in the lane between them, they were shocked to see the heavy build man gaining ground on them. Shaun gave a slight smile as he proved to the school that a hefty man could run. However, with that smile, Shaun's eyes dimmed, as he fell and tumbled down the track. Riley immediately stopped, turned, and rushed to Shaun's aide. Jason slowed, and he contemplated finishing the race and finally beating Riley. But he turned and jogged back towards the injured Shaun.
"Why didn't you finish the race?" Riley said to Jason.
Jason walked up and answered his rival.
"Dude… Do you think I want to win like that? When I beat you, I want you at your best."
Riley smiled and said, "Bro, then you will never win."
"Fuck you… dude," Jason said as he watch the paramedic approach them.
Riley laughed as they turned to Shaun. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around.
"What was your fat ass doing running?" Jason asked.
"He not fat bro, he just stocky, but yes, why was your stocky ass running?" Riley replied.
Shaun slowly answered, "I wanted to prove to ya'll that I wasn't fat and slow. He looked in the stands to see a girl laughing at him.
"You are not fat, idiot, you're built like a tank," Riley said.
"A weak-ass tank," Jason said, laughing.
"I almost beat ya'll," Shaun replied.
"No, bro… You almost died," Riley replied.
Shaun placed his arm over his face and blew a hard sigh from his lips. The medics came and began to evaluate him. "Thanks, Riley and Jason… man, it really meant a lot that you stopped to check on me," Shaun said.
"No problem. I already qualified for the team. This race meant nothing to me. And Jason is the fastest white guy around, so he definitely qualifies, you know 'reverse affirmative action' is what I call it." Riley replied.
"Nothing! You smug bastard. And it's not 'reverse affirmative action,' I was about to win that race if fatty wouldn't have had a heart attack on the damn track," Jason scoffed.
"Yeah…Yeah, blame the fatty." Riley answered.
"I thought you said I was a tank," Shaun replied.
"Fat tank," Jason answered.
Two medics tried to lift Shaun off the ground, but his body's sheer density made the task quite challenging. They asked for help from the crowd. As they hoisted him into the Ambulance and closed the doors. Shaun removed his arm to see the young lady pointing and laughing. Inside the hospital, Shaun sits in the evaluation room after a brief meeting with the doctor. Shaun pleaded with him, that he is ok to move and go home, but the doctor recommends a CT-scan and X-rays to ensure that nothing was broken inside the boy's body. A couple of minutes goes by, and his phone rings. "Hey, you calling to check on me, finally?" The voice on the other side belonged to a young lady
"I told you that if you couldn't win the race, we were done." The voice said.
"Was you watching? I could've won. I just need more practice. I will… Hello?"
Shaun looks at his phone and drops his head. "Why am I so lame?" He thought to himself. A nurse walked in with his chart and sat at the computer next to him. She looked at the X-ray for a minute, then a perplexed look grew on her face. She glared down at the charts. She stood up and rushed out of the room. A slender pasty man covered in scars walked in, stopping the nurse and demanded Shaun's charts. After a lengthy conversation, she slowly relinquished the clipboard and ran off.
"Uncle Drake… what are you doing here?" Shaun asked.
"Get up. Let's go before they come back in," Drake said sternly.
The two begin to walk towards the exit. As they made their way down the hall, they passed the nurse talking frantically to the doctor, she looked up and noticed Shaun and Drake. She points to them and screams, "that's him." The doctor looks at the X-ray and the chart and stares at Shaun but couldn't move.
"I think we should move faster, young man," Drake said. As Drake and Shaun ran to the car, the nurse chased after screaming for him not to leave. Shaun turns and looks at her. She wasn't scared but concerned. He slowly began to walk back to the nurse until Drake looked him in the eyes and demanded he get into the car. As they drove off, Shaun wondered, why he had to leave the hospital in such a rush?
"Drake? What was that? Is something wrong with me?" Shaun asked.
"No. Nothing is wrong with you. Do you feel sick?" Drake replied.
"I don't know. She looked very concerned." Shaun answered.
"Maybe it's your unrivaled physique," Drake replied.
"I just got dumped cause I couldn't win a race, it's definitely not that," Shaun said.
"You just need time to come into your body," Drake answered.
"What does that mean? Shaun asked.
But as Drake began to explain himself. Shaun's heart began to throb, his palms become sweaty, and his nose itched. He slowly looked around the car as something was enticing him. He unbuckled his seat belt and dove into the back seat. Drake, shocked at his action, asked, "Shaun, are you ok?" The young man didn't reply. His eyes hurried until he notices a lovely figure walking into a dark alley followed by a man. His heart felt like it was going to jump out his throat. He reached for the handle of the door.
"Oh shit," Drake said as he swirled to a stop.
Shaun opened the door. He stumbled out to a crawl then dashed towards the figure. When he arrived at the alley, the apparition was gone. Confused at his action, he turns to a laughing Drake as he asked,
“Shaun, what happened?”
“I thought I saw someone,” Shaun answered.
“Come... let’s get home,” Drake replied grabbing Shaun and helping him back into the car.
Episode three- not professional edited
"Get up, and let's go," A man stands tall over a young lady. The lady refused to move. She clenches her jaw in preparation for his backhand. As the force slide across her face, it feels like every other hand that has hit her before. "Get her ass in the van," he said. "Whatever you say, boss, but I don't think you want to keep abusing the product so much."
"Don't worry about this bitch. She got at least ten more years before her expiration date. Get her ass in the car."
The lackey grabs the girl and drags her to a van parked in front of the building. As they make their way to the car, two other guys jump out to open the sliding door. Inside three other women were waiting. As the young lady got shoved into the van, she noticed the other girls' state. One's hands bound by a rope behind her back; the two others were beaten and unconscious. She turned to see one of the guys have climbed in back with them. He is holding a gun. She looks into his eyes; the man's eyes show a hint of sorrow and shame for what he has done. He looks away, avoiding her gaze. The van began to pull away from the building. She listens as the driver and the passenger begin to talk.
"So, where are we taking these chicks?"
"I'm not sure. The boss didn't say. Just that we need to sell these bitches off soon, and he found a buyer for them."
"But I don't understand. Why kidnapped them, if we were not going to use them for ourselves?"
"Trust me, maintaining a flock is hard work. Best to grab them, sell them, and move on."
"A couple of those bitches back there are bad as hell. I say we pull over and get use out of them ourselves."
"I got a wife and kids at the house. I'm not fucking with these chicks and bring something home to my family."
The passenger started laughing, "hell, I don't have a family. I'm going to buy the thick black one we just threw in the van later on."
"Yuck," the driver said as he peered in the rearview mirror. He noticed that the young lady is exquisite, dark skin, long faux dreadlocks, full lips, and a perfect set of eyes. However, the years on this job have shown wear on her body. "Yuck."
A bump in the road causes the girl with her arms behind her back to awaken. She begins crying and screaming hysterically. The man sitting in the back looks at her. Remorse in his eyes, he hits her with the gun and demands her to "shut the fuck up." The blow of the weapon causes the girl's tooth to fall out. She grabs her mouth in shock. She starts to whimpers and slob as the young lady wraps her arms around her.
"It's going to be ok. Don't give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry." The young lady whispers.
The whimpering girl replies with a stare and lays her head in the young lady's lap.
"What's your name?" the young lady asked
In a muffled voice, the girl says, "Cynthia." Blood drips from her mouth as she tries to ask the young lady's name. The young lady holds her head and places a finger on her mouth.
"Try not to talk. My name is June."
The van stops, the driver holds the steering wheel steady as the passenger jumps out. He turns, looks at the driver and says, "wait here, we are going to drop these chicks off and grab the money. Keep the van running." The driver just nobs as the passenger walks over and opens the sliding door. He looks at the Gunman and says, "watch them. I'll be right back." He walks into a dark alley.
June looks at the Gunman again. Her fist begins to tighten. He notices the young lady's anger, but instead of hitting her, he quietly says, "look, please don't make me hurt you. I'm sorry that you're in the situation, but this is good money, and I got a family to feed. It's just my job." June fist loosens as she knew he would kill her if duty calls for him too, and she didn't want to die in a beat-up van.
Moments later, a group of men appeared out of the darkness. They stepped in the open door of the van and inspected the girls. "Why the fuck are they so beat up? Hell, this one missing a tooth," the examiner said.
"You try catching bitches all day. You got to get rough for time to time," the passenger replied.
"For time to time. They all been beaten. It's going be days before we can put them to work," the examiner said. Just then, his eyes noticed June. He was speechless as he ogled her body.
"So the cash? You promise 15,000 per head," the passenger said.
"The price has been reduced." The examiner said.
"Reduced… What the fuck you mean, reduced."
"Look at this flock. They're beaten and bruised. I can't even use them for at least a week, and I have to replace this one teeth," the examiner replied, pointing to Cynthia.
"How much?' the passenger asked.
"30k for all".
"Fuck you… if you think you are getting them for 30000," the passenger answered.
The passenger and the Gunman cocks their guns and demand the men to back away from the van. The examiner turns and walks back to the alley, but then remembers the image of June. "Wait," he says. The passenger stops and turns towards them. "Look, they are in pretty bad shape, but I'm willing to go as high as 45k," the examiner says.
The passenger looks around then say, "Deal."
The examiner signal for a bag to be brought to him. He opens it and retrieves a stack of cash out the sack. He slide the money into his jacket and throws the bag to the passenger. The passenger quickly counts the money. He smiles and tells the Gunman to get out the van. They move to the side as the men grab the girls one by one and take them into the alley. When one of the men reaches for June, then examiner stops them and says, "She can walk. I'll escort her inside myself." He grabs June's arm and pulls her out of the van. The van pulls off, and the examiner walks behind June into the alley. He licks his lips and asked,
"What's your name, Delicious?"
June didn't answer. She clenches her jaw in preparation for his backhand. He raises his hand and gently places it on June's cheek. When June opened her eyes, he was staring into her face with a wicked grin and said, "we have ways to break you." That statement scared June more than any other statement she ever heard. And as she walked into the darkness of the alley, tears fell from her eyes.
An open door awaited her.
Suddenly the sound of a car screeching to a stop was heard.
"What was that… Fila?" a man asked.
The examiner answered, "Who knows?"
As June was pushed to the door, screams and moans could be heard from inside. And as the door closed behind her, she heard voices from the street.
"Shaun, what happened?"
"I thought I saw someone."
"Come, let's get home."
Episode Four- not professional edited
"She belongs to you…."
"Who belongs to me?"
"She belongs to you."
"I don't understand. Who belongs to me?"
"The eyes… release… you…"
His eyes opened to the ringing of his alarm clock. "Urgh, I don't want to go to class."
"Shaun, get up. You don't want to be late."
Shaun crawls to the edge of the bed. After a shamble to the bathroom, he showers, and he begrudging gets dressed.
"Eh, is everything ok?"
"Uncle, I don't want to go today."
"Why not? Oh, let me guess. The embarrassment at the school track meet and getting dumped. Now you afraid to face your peers and get mocked by the girl you adored. Did I guess correctly?"
"How…How did you know that?"
"I know all. I'm Drake, the wise, and I have a greed for knowledge. All knowledge some helpful, but in this case useless."
Shaun drops his head as release a sigh.
"I'm guessing I am correct. Look, my boy. Life is full of shame and loss. And most times, life will beat you down and make you feel like you can't win. "But you," Drake points at Shaun and continue saying, 'but you…Shaun, you have the power to change it. Be stronger than life."
Shaun nodded, filled with a little confidence after hearing those words.
"Now come, I'll drop you off at school," Drake said.
Shaun heard every word Drake said as he grabbed his backpack and walked out the door.
"I will be going out of town later on today. I'm sure you can handle yourself while I'm gone," Drake said. Shaun looked at Drake and nodded once again. As Shaun grabbed the door handle, Drake stops him and assures him everything will be ok. Walking up to the school's main entrance, he heard a familiar laugh; it belongs to the girl that mocked him at the track meet. He paused at stared at her with a nervous smile with a slight wave. She turned her back, wrapped her arms around the guy she was talking with, and walked away.
"Damn, Dude, that was your girl, huh?" Shaun looked over his shoulder and saw Jason standing behind him.
"I guess she was," Shaun replied.
"is that Ceriona?"
"And Bryant?"
Shaun shook his head.
"Lost your girl and embarrassed yourself on the track. You not winning right now," Jason said after witnessing the event.
"Look, man, you don't have to remind me of that stuff. I already know I'm lame." Shaun replied.
"You right," Jason said and walked away. Shaun looks at the entrance wishing today was already over.
"She belongs to you…. She belongs to you… The eyes will awaken you."
"What eyes and awaken me?!" Shaun yelled as he jerked awake.
"Sorry, Mr. Shaun Alexander Hossent, nobody 'waken' you today."
Shaun opened his eyes in a bewildered state; he glared around and noticed he was sitting in an empty classroom. Looking up at the teacher, Mr. Robinson, as he repeated his statement. Shaun asked, "Is school over?
"Not quite, its lunch period. But I figure if you were too tired to stay awake in my class, you were surely too tired to eat," Mr. Robinson replied.
Shaun apologized, gathered his things, and walked out the room. As he stood in line for food, he again locks eyes with Ceriona; she squeezes up tighter against Bryant. Shaun turned, facing the lunch lady as she shook her head. At the end of the food line, he searches for a place to sit, locating a recently cleared table he decided that would be best right now; to sit alone.
"Tank, why are you sitting by yourself, bro?" "Dude, cause he lame."
An arm went around his neck as he noticed two guys joining him at the table. "He's not lame, just depressed," Riley said.
"More like sad," Jason replied.
"I'm not sad just a little hurt," Shaun said.
"No, I mean a sad person. You are just a sad person. Like your soul is sad," Jason replied.
"Bro chill, you not helping my man here," Riley answered. "Bro think about this, your build like a brick house, and you were still able to keep up with Jason and me, the two fastest in school, hell I'm the fastest in the world," Riley said.
"You conceited bastard," Jason replied as he jumps into the conversation.
"All I'm saying is find something that fits you and that you enjoy doing," Riley concluded.
"And don't worry about that chick dude. If she is dissing you for a new dude, then move on," Jason said.
"She is not dissing me over a new dude, it’s cause I couldn't win that race," Shaun replied. The two immediately stopped and looked at each other. Then in a loud burst, that caught the attention of everybody in the room, they laughed.
"You got dumped cause you couldn't beat us in a race," Jason said.
"You was doomed from the start, bro," Riley stated, adding to Shaun's shame.
After mocking Shaun, Riley said, "We got to get back to class, but Tank consider football. I think it would suit you better." The three stood up and headed toward the classrooms.
After school, Shaun awaited the bus. He heard the familiar sound of Ceriona. He looked to his left and saw her and Bryant deep into each other's mouths. Her eyes meet Shaun, as she closed them and wrapped her arms around Bryant's neck. Shaun, angry and hurt decided to walk home instead. On his way home, he was lost in his mind,
"I thought she belonged to me. And I already love her eyes. Why I am hearing voices?"
He tripped and fell to the ground. He was so engulfed with his thoughts; he didn't notice the little red car in front of him,
"Wagon Racer."
Just then, he saw a little boy sitting on the curve of the street. Shaun walked to the boy and asked,
"Are you ok? Where's your parents?"
He looked around swiftly to see if he could locate anyone looking for the child. Then a chill went up Shaun’s spine, he looked back at the boy, the child's neck had twisted entirely around. He was looking up at Shaun, while still sitting forward. This shocked Shaun and he took a step back, barely missing oncoming traffic. Looking away from the boy to dodge a vehicle, Shaun noticed the boy's neck was back to normal again. The child begins to cry. Shaun still stun watching as a lady approached the boy. She carried a small dog in her purse. "Sweetie, are you lost?" the lady asked. The child shook his head, “Yes.” "Where are your parents?" The child pointed to a store across the street. "Let's take you back to them, ok?” She grabbed the child's hand. "What's your name?" the lady asked.
"Ok, Sam, let’s get you to your parents," she said as they begin to cross the street.
Shaun began to walk home, but the image of the child was blazed into his mind. He suddenly heard the small dog franticly barking. He quickly turned and was panic-stricken, when he saw the child staring him directly in the eyes. Sam lead the woman slowly into the store. Sam’s eyes rolled back, and his ears started to drip blood. His mouth oozed a thick viscous substance that filled the air with a horrid odor. Shaun dashed across the street, trying to reach the lady. A car struck him causing him to fall but didn't stop him from reaching the building. When he pushed the doors open, all that remained was a large puddle of blood and the purse that carried the dog.
The store…It’s abandoned.
Episode Five- not professional edited
Being lead into a dimly lit room, June was positioned in line with 8 other women. Looking around, she was able to locate the three girls that was in the van with her. Cynthia, the girl whose teeth was knocked out that faith night, moved to stand right beside her. She and June have become close since their capture.
“June? I’m so glad to see you.”
“Cynthia… Are you ok?”
“Yes they fixed my tooth…See.”
“Yea I see…”
The door opened and Fila walked in, behind him, two armed men stood with blank stares on their faces. He circled the women gazing at them, before he decided to in a chair, situated in right front of them.
“Ladies, Hi. I’m called Fila. I bet you wondering why you are all here. Well, you all been chosen because of your beauty and your bodies. And after watching you for quite some time, excluding the ones that we didn’t buy from other ‘Pimps,’ you had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
A silent uncomfortable hush fell over the girls as they started to understand what was happening to them. The door swung opened. Another group of armed men walked in dragging the blood-soaked bodies of a female and male. Fila approached the battered duo.
“Destiny… Destiny,” Fila says as he shakes the woman’s head to wake her. Destiny opened her eyes to see Fila looking down at her. “Why would you try to run away with one of my men? Travis was one of my best. You must have used that devilish pussy to sway his loyalty.”
Crying uncontrollable she answered, “No daddy. I swear, it was his Idea. I would never run from you.”
Fila smiles and pats her on the head and says, “you just need to be punished, that’s all.” He turns a motion for one of his men to hand him a gun. “No daddy please… No. I’ll be good I swear. I’ll be good.” He cocks the gun back and holds it to the wailing girl’s head. 3 shots filled the room, deafen the spectators watching the hollowing event.
Destiny was shock to see that Fila shot Travis 3 times. He was staring at Travis and said, “He betrayed me.” He looked back at Destiny and continue speaking, “I suspect you bitches to betray me. But not my men. Destiny go shower and rest. You will go back to work in 4 days after your body heals.” He handed the gun to his guards.
“Yes daddy. Thank you, daddy.”
“And stop calling me daddy. You have a daddy. Just not a good one”
He walked back to the chair and sat down. He looked at the women once again. “Cynthia, step forth.” Cynthia looked at June with worry in her eyes. She slowly moved to the front.
“How is your mouth feeling? It’s been about a week since you got your tooth replaced”
Cynthia shook her head and mumbled “Yes”
“Does it hurt? How does it feel?”
Cynthia looked around before replying “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
“Great… come here. Let’s test out the durability,” Fila said as he unzip his pants. Cynthia realizing what he wanted. Stepped back until she saw Travis laying dead against the wall. She slowly moved forward. He stopped her and pointed down, “Crawl to me.” Cynthia gazed back and looked at June as tears flowed. June nodded her head. Cynthia slowly dropped to her knees. She crawled to him. The women watched as Cynthia sobbingly begin to please Fila.
“Sadly, ladies this is your life now. You will use your god given beauty to make me money. Until your value is lost, and I chose to retire you,” Fila said with a calm look on his face. “Donna and June, you two already have customers. Get cleaned and dressed. My men will escort you to the spot. Just please don’t try to run.”
In the car, the ride was quiet. Until Donna broke down, falling onto June’s shoulder. “Are we still people?” Donna asked June. “Yes, as long as you hold on to something that will keep you human,” June replied. “What keeps you human?” Donna inquired. June replied, “I believe something is waiting for me out there and I won’t give up until I find it.”
When they arrived at the first destination, Donna was taken out the car and lead into a shady hotel. She held June’s hand as long as she could before they was separated. The driver informed Donna’s escort that he will be back after June’s appointment. Finally they arrived at another shady hotel. June exited the car and walked into the hotel. She noticed that all the employees were involved in this operation. As she made it to the door a man opened it.
“I told you, I would buy you as soon as I could,” He said.
The Door slam closed.
An hour goes by, and June silently comes down to the entrance of the hotel. She climbed into the car emotionless. The driver didn’t speak to her as he drove off to Donna’s location. Upon arriving at the pickup point, Donna and her escort was waiting. The two woman had the same expression on their faces, when they looked at each other.
As Donna open the car door, she notice a small child sitting on the curve alone crying. “It’s midnight. Why is he alone? It’s dangerous,” she thought. She looked at the two men and pleaded to take him home. The driver replied that he has orders to bring June back but whatever the other man choses to do is on him. Donna stares at her escort and say, “Please allow me to do this. I will do whatever you ask afterwards. Just let me be a human for one hour.” June looked at Donna whose tears wet the ground and began to cry herself. The guard reluctantly agree stating that both will be scolded when they get back. Donna nodded in agreement willing to accept whatever punishment awaited her.
Donna walked up to the child and asked, “What’s your name?”
The boy looked up at Donna and said,
“Sam let’s get you home. Do you live far from here?"
“No,” he replied.
The guard suspicious of the kid asked, “How did you get here alone?”
“Mom and Dad were fighting. They left the door open. I wanted to go to my grandma.”
The Guard still suspicious asked, “And no police saw a 5-year-old child wondering the streets alone?”
Donna looked up her escort and said “Don’t mind him, Sam. Take us to your house please.”
Sam smiled and grabbed her hand. He lead them to a nice house in a peaceful looking neighborhood. Donna approached the door to the house. As she raised her hand to knock, the door creaked open. Sam entered the house with Donna about to follow until the escort grabbed her and mentioned that this feels “odd.”
Just then Sam screamed in pain, Donna turned and rushed into the house. The door slowly closed behind her.
Inside the house, there was a dull glow from the lamps in the front room that lead into the kitchen. It was enough light to navigate but made it strangely eerie.
“Sam?” Donna called out but it was quiet.
“Sam?” Donna called out again.
Until she heard noise from the basement and a voice asking for help. “Did he fall?” She opens the basement’s door and walked down the stairs. “Sam?” She makes it to the last step and sees a small figure hunched over.
“He seems to be eating something, Is that…. Is that… a dog?”
Just then the basement door slams shut. She turns and see a man standing at the top.
“I’m so sorry to barge in. But I found your son outside…”
She couldn’t finish her statement before she noticed he was dragging her guard’s body behind him. She heard loud crunching noise. Facing back towards the figure, It was Sam. Face covered in blood, staring at Donna's as he chewed on the little dog’s head. She moved back. Quickly scanning for a place to run. Suddenly the man threw the escort’s body down the stairs knocking her over. She tried to lift the escort off her, but the weight of the man pinned her down. Sam crept towards her, his eyes rolled back, ears dripped blood. She screamed, as Sam open his mouth. A foul odor spewed forth entering her throat causing her to choke and eyes to water. With each blink, Sam inched closer and closer until he was face to face with the petrified woman. She began to scream again, but Sam viciously bite into her face closing her mouth shut. Muffled cries for help could be heard as she flailed and fought to remove the child’s grasp. Then her eyes caught sight as the man walked down the stairs.
The peaceful house falls silent again.
Episode 6-not professional edited
The sound of the final school bell chime as the students roll out the classrooms. A couple of months has passed since Shaun encountered the boy on the side of the road. Walking down the halls his mind seemed to be preoccupied with the child’s image. And as time went on it simmered in his head. “His face… That blood… Who can I tell? Who would believe me?”
“Bro why the serious look? This should be a time to celebrate. I heard you kill football tryouts” A friendly male voice said wrapping his arms around Shaun’s neck.
“Hey Riley. What’s up man?”
“Not much bro? You seem off today. Everything ok?”
Shaun thought of confiding into Riley, but being the first friend at this new school, he didn’t want to scare him away.
“Oh it’s nothing dude. I’m good. A little nervous about being on the team.”
“Imagine trying to impress Ceriona again and you’ll smoke that shit,” Riley chuckled.
“And have his fat ass pass out again. That’s cruel dude,” Jason said as he joined them.
“What position did they put you at?” Riley asked.
“Tight-end,” Shaun replied.
“Perfect position for a fast fat guy… Hold up.” Jason stepped back and looked at Shaun.
“You been in the gym?” Jason replied.
“Bro you right. I haven’t notice til now. You look like you lost weight and toned up”. Riley remarked.
Shaun haven’t notice either, but his body has slowly changed. His statue is sleeker with broader shoulders, more define chest, and his once pudgy stomach, has become almost hard stone.
“Well I guess heartbreak and depression is great for weight loss,” Jason said.
“Then you should get your heart broken and just maybe you can keep up with me next track season,” Riley said jokingly.
“Fuck you dude… I swear,” Jason replied.
“Anyway bro, Me and Jason headed to the Mall, you want to come?” Riley asked.
“I might meet up with you later. I told my uncle I’ll take care of something at home.” Shaun replied.
“Ok bro hit us up later then,” Riley dapped Shaun up as the two walked off. Shaun began walking the opposite direction towards home when he felt a hand grab his shoulder.
“Dude, if something bothering you let us know. We cool now,” Jason said looking at Shaun in the face. “Yeah, it don’t look it but this white dude, I consider my brother. Now you my brother as well,” Riley replied. Never really having friends hearing those words made Shaun happy. Without thinking he hugged Jason turning him bright red. “Dude… you crushing me,” Jason said as he tried to push away Shaun strong embrace.
“We headed out bro. Like I said before hit us up if you need us.” Riley and Jason walked away disappearing in the crowd of teenager. Shaun didn’t have anything to do at home. He truly wanted to hang out with his new friends, but he was determined to find that child and find out what happen to that lady. Following the path as when he first meet the child, Shaun nervously walked the busy streets. Twenty minutes past as there was no sign of the strange boy. Small drops falling from above seem to systematically tap Shaun’s face, turning him to an empty bus stop. Then he felt the full rush of a heavy shower upon him. “I’ll wait out the rain here. What am I doing? Why am I here? What would I even do when I find…” Shaun’s heart sped up, he began to sweat, and his breathing became heavy. He felt the slight bump as someone sat beside him. His body shivered as he slowly turned his head to see the dark brown figure. It belonged to a young lady around his age. Her faux locks fell over her shoulders and she began to read a small book she was holding. Shaun grabbed his chest to calm himself down. “What in the hells am I feeling? Who is she?... Just speak… Just speak?”
“Mhmm. What’s all this wet stuff falling out the sky?” Shaun eyes widen. “What the fuck did I just say to her?” Then he heard something that took his breathe away.
A slight giggle that slipped though the young lady full lips.
He turns towards her with a grin and stretched out his hand, “Hi Nice to Shaun you, I am.” His place the stretched-out arm back onto his lap and his other hand covered his face as it shook in embarrassment. Suddenly he felt a warm touch placed on top his lap. “Hello Shaun. Nice to meet you.” she said softly. Shaun body filled with a tingle as he looked down at her. Long faux dreadlocks, drop over her face, revealing her perfectly shaped eyes. He stared at her, adjusting his eyes to her flawless beauty. The sweet aroma of her body filled his nose with a sweet delight. “Shea butter and honey.”
“What? Is something wrong?” She asked.
“Nothing,” He said as he looked away.
“It’s called rain.” She said.
“The wet stuff from the sky.” She places her hand out from under the bus stop, collecting some of the droplets in her palm. As she moved her hand back under the shelter. Shaun instinctively started licking the liquid out of her hand.
“Oh my gods.” She murmured.
“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what made me do that!” Shaun explain. He stood up, apologizing again before stepping out in the rain in an attempt to flee the awkward moment. Just as he took his first step into the sky’s downpour. He felt her hand grab his hand tightly. He turned swiftly to see her glaring up at him. She softly uttered,
“Please stay with me longer.”
Shocked to hear those words he sat back down beside her. Noticing that Shaun's shyness towards her, she began to talk about herself, her dreams, and goals. Shaun timid-ness soon faded as he got lost in the melody of her voice.
“Protect her… Guard her…”
“Protect who?” Shaun asked.
“Huh?” She asked confused.
“Nothing. Nevermind,” Shaun replied.
The pair engaged in conversation for over 3 hours but to them time flew by. Not even realizing the rain stopped. Not until she noticed a familiar black sedan pull in front of them. She clenched Shaun’s hand. But released it as one of men stepped out. Shaun stood up quickly pushing the girl behind him.
“Who are you?!” Shaun demanded. The man placed a gun on the roof of the car. The driver of the car rolled down the windows and spoke in a sarcastic chuckle,
“Boy… that girl's pussy too experienced for a kid your age. June, get in the back. You have a customer.”
June brushed his arm aside, stepping from behind him. His heart pounded. His breathing escalated. He grabbed June, who is now trembling uncontrollably and said, “I don’t know what’s happening, but stay... I will protect you.” June peers up into Shaun’s eyes,
“Thank you, but I can’t let you risk your life for me.”
“But I want to help you.”
June walked in the direction of the sedan without looking back and said,
“You heard them. My body isn’t made to be protected. I’m not human anymore.”
June entered the car. Just then Shaun’s eye flared bright red. The weight of his body cracked the ground. Unable to control his anger, he rushed the car. In a flash the man lifted the gun and shot Shaun directly between the eyes. The impact caused him to drop to his knees. As his eyes closed, he saw June running back towards him, but the driver quickly exited the car and slammed her to the ground.
A silent hush fell over them as the watch Shaun struggle back to his feet.
“Protect her."
"Protect her.”
His eyes start to stream a red glow.
“I will save her, and I will rip out your fucking guts,” He said in low roar.
Hunched over, supporting his body with his arms, he looked at the men in the face. The hole in his head poured out chucks of brain. As he stood up, blood gushed from his mouth. His eyes nearly shut but remained scorching red as he crept towards the car.
The driver looks at the gunman.
“Shoot this freak. What the fuck are you just watching for?”
The gunmen unloaded his clip into the young boy’s chest. Shaun stop moving. His mind loses consciousness. He stood still as the holes on his body spewed his inter-contents onto the ground.
Please Shaun Stop. That’s enough… Lay down.” a hysterical June yells.
Shaun falls to the ground upon hearing those words.
Episode Seven- not professional edited
June hears the familiar sound of a door creaking open as she approaches the black sedan. Her body once again used and smells of man’s cheap cologne as she enters the car. An escort stands at the door with gun in hand waiting for her to get situated. He slams the door shut. June looks at the bruise on her legs and the ash on her knees.
“He really worked you? Huh,” the driver said with a grin.
“Shut up and keep your eyes on the road,” the gunman said.
“You sympathizing with these chicks? Pleasure and pussy is their only use.”
The gunman pulled his gun out from its holster, “I dare you to say it again.”
“Why the fuck would you work this job if you care so much about them?”
“Just because they might be hoes, doesn’t mean they aren’t human. I have double felonies, no way I’m getting a real job. So I took this one but that doesn’t mean I want to hear this shit,” The gunman explained.
June’s eyes were wide, and that small speech gave her a little inspiration. She started to fix her clothes and spit into her hand to clean the ash off her knees. “I am still human.” June looked out the window looking at the streetlights that lit the dark road. Just then a small figure caught her attention. “Is that?”
“Stop the car!” June screamed at the men upfront. The car halted to an abrupt stop. The driver turned around and said, “What the fuck you screaming for?” June pointed to the child,
“That’s the kid that Donna left with before she went missing.”
The two men stared at the child, who was just sitting under the streetlight alone.
“Ok and what you think we going to do?” The driver said.
“Fila been looking for Donna relentlessly. Think of the reward if we bring her back.” The gunman said.
“I thought you care about them and wanted them to live free. Maybe the child lead her to freedom,” the driver replied.
“I said they were human, not free. Let’s get that bitch back and claim this money,” the gunman answered.
The gunman gets out the car and approached the child.
“Hey there boy. I’m Trevon. What’s your name?”
The boy looks up at the man and replies, “Hi I’m Sam”
“Hello Sam, nice to meet you. I been out here looking for a friend of mine. She a young lady.”
Trevon pulls out his phone and shows Sam a picture of Donna. “I was wondering if you have seen her?”
Sam looks intently at the picture, a slight smile emerges on his face. “Yes, she took me home and made sure I was safe, and she fed me, herself. It was very tasty.” Sam replied.
“Sam this is very important. Where is she now?”
“At my house,” the boy answered.
“Can you take me there so I can see her?”
The boy looked around and his eyes locked onto the black sedan, staring at the back seat he said, “Sure!” The gunman gave the driver the signal and he pulled up to them. The gunman opened the back door to the car and helped the boy in. There the child smiled at June creepily and he slowly laid his head into her lap. June felt nervous but began to stroke the boy’s head. His hair was stringy and felt like it was glued on. Moments later she felt the sensation of a wet object gracing her leg. “Almost like a tongue…Ouch!” June said as she shoved Sam’s head off of her lap. “Did you bite me?”
“Sam climb up here and show us how to get to your house.” The driver commanded.
Twenty minutes later. They arrive at a well-kept house in a quiet neighborhood. “Sam is this your house and you’re sure my friend is inside?” Trevon asked.
“Yes. Come Mister let’s go get her.”
“June go with Trevon. I’ll stay and keep the car warm.”
June exits the car with the gunman. Sam quickly runs over and grabs her hand. They make it to the porch and Sam pushes the door open. There was a dull glow from the lamps in the front room that lead into the flicking lights in the kitchen. It felt strangely eerie.
“Where are your parents?” June asked.
“They are in the basement with your friend. The young lady from the picture.” Sam answered.
Trevon pulls his gun out and cocks it. He looks at a creeped-out June and said,
“Just in case.”
They walked through the living room as the Sam led them closer to the basement. Sound of a muffled Donna could be heard slightly up the stairs. Trevon points the gun at Sam, firing a shot into the back of the small boy’s head. The small boy collapsed onto the floor. Trevon looked at June and said,
“Just in case.”
They opened the basement door and rush downstairs where the muffled cries grew louder. Finally reaching the source. Their mouths left agape as they saw Donna hanging from the basement ceiling. She was blindfolded, gaged, and stripped but alive. June walked up to her and placed her hand on a small incision on her skin. “Those cuts are all over her body,” Trevon remarked. “What are they doing to her?” June asked. Just then something moved under the hung woman skin, causing June to jump back and Donna to writhe in pain.
“What the fuck?” Trevon said. Suddenly he pushed June to the side, he turned, firing four more shots but it was too late to stop the Axe cleaving into his shoulder. Trevon dropped the gun and released a hollowing scream. He grabbed the Axe to keep it from tearing his shoulder off. Looking down upon the injured gunman was a tall pasty male. He body looks as if his skin was melted and stretched over a skeletal frame his teeth was falling out. The man eyes were already dead. Trevon fought back, holding the Axe with one arm. “June. Run!” he screamed at the young girl. June runs towards the gun. She aims, pulls the trigger, and shoots the man three times into the back. The man stops and a foul substance leaks out the holes on his back following a hideous smell. She focuses on the back and she swear she sees an eye looking at her from one of the holes. The man releases the handle of the Axe that was still stuck in Trevon shoulder. Without turning around it runs after June, babbling an unrecognizable phase. June tries to run up the stairs, but the man grabs her leg and pulls her towards him. His necks snaps and pops as he turned it 180 degrees to face a petrified June. She closed her eyes to accept her fate but opened them up when she heard the crack of the Axe hitting the man in the chest.
“June lets go,” Trevon said as he stepped over the body of the man.
“What about Donna?”
“We can’t help that bitch now. We need to go.”
They rushed upstairs and towards the front door. However, out of the shadows Sam leapt onto Trevon’s back, latching his teeth into the gunman’s throat, and ripping it out. Trevon wheezed and tumble over the furniture as Sam continues to tear into his neck. Until Trevon laid motionless.
June grabbed the Axe and swung with all her might nearly cutting Sam’s head off his shoulders. The boy fell backward crawling back into a wall. His head held on back a thin piece of skin. June turned to exit the front door when she notice tiny little claws emerging from the boy’s neck. It slowly secured his head and began to bring it back towards the body.
Regaining her wit, she opened the door to escape. She was stopped when she bumped into a robust man in a uniform and behind him was flashing blue and red lights. “What’s going on here?” the police asked. June broke down and was relieved to see the officer.
“Sir, they’re these people …things… inside this house. They kidnapped and killed my friends.
Can you please help me?”
The cop unholstered his gun and push the front door back open. Looking around he yelled
“Delvin, you in here.”
It was silent for a moment until a skeletal man appeared from the kitchen.
“Keith? Yeah I’m here.”
June tugged at the cop uniform, “That’s him. Him and his son. Be careful.” The police nodded and raised his gun.
“Delvin, this lady saying you and your son killing people. Is that right?”
Keith, I didn’t try to kill them all, but they shot Sam and did a number on me,” Delvin replied.
The police looked at June and gave a sigh. He holstered his gun and pulled out handcuffs. He grabbed June and cuffed her hands behind her back. He looked at Delvin and said “The one in the sedan is unconscious. Use him. You need a new body. The body you using now is still rejecting you. How’s Sam?”
“He’s recovering. He might need a new body soon too.” Delvin responded. They both looked at June. She understood what was happening and she began to scream for help and try to escape. The policeman pushed her to Delvin and said, “Use her.” Delvin grabbed ahold of the struggling girl. She kicks herself free and tries to run, but Delvin grabs her leg and pulls her inside the house.
The neighborhood goes quiet again.
“She is in danger." bleep
She is in danger." bleep
She is in danger!” bleep
A cold air escapes his lips and his eyes awaken inside a hospital room.
“Shaun… Shaun Hossent,” the Doctor said.
“Good afternoon young man. You are very lucky to be alive. Well actually... your body is quite unique.”
Episode Eight- not professional edited
A cold hand clenches her wrist. It feels moist, almost wet but does not feel like water. It works its way down to her hands and grabs hold. June wakes up by a gurgled whimper. She opens her eyes but sees nothing. She tries to bring her hands down to her eyes but finds that they are tied over her head. The moist hand up top is still holding on to hers. She tussles for freedom but to no avail. She tries to scream but is then horrified to find her mouth is gagged. She flails around yelling at the top of her lungs, but only quiet yelps escape behind the bondage. Suddenly she cringes as another hand places itself on her stomach. The boney stick-like fingers creep from her navel to underneath her shirt, parting her breast and up around her neck. A male voice speaks:
“You injured my boy pretty badly. I don’t think he can hold his neck on much longer,” Delvin said.
June couldn’t see him but felt him inch closer and closer to her, until he was sitting on top of her with his hand grasping her throat. She trembled.
“Luckily, you’re here. Once he’s done shredding that skin, he will take your body.”
“Take my body!?” June’s mind raced and she remembered the things under Donna’s skin and the eyes peeking out of Delvin’s back. She bucked and wailed forcefully than before. But still to no avail.
“I know you saw your friend hanging there. Her body is in the process of becoming a host for a fellow companion of mine. All that is left is entering the brain and gaining control of her limbs.”
Just then June can hear Donna’s body convulsing and muffled scream of sheer agony.
“It’s very painful as you can hear. However, in that pain we are able to extract memories and experiences you go through to help us learn about this new environment. And sadly, I learned that you and her are already being controlled by someone. You’re not even living a life worth living. You should feel grateful that your body will be put to a better use than you ever could,” Delvin said.
June stopped trembling and laid there as she felt Delvin’s grip get tighter. He leaned forward and angled himself right next to her ear. She smelled the horrid odor of his breath. She felt his saliva dip into her ear then leak out.
“You are nothing but skin… meat… A whore to be used over and over again… You’re not worthy of being in service of my Queen. You’re not even worthy of being a host, but you’re here and alive so you will have to do.”
Delvin lifted himself off of June. “Grab him! Chop him up before he bleeds out. He will be feed for the new brood.”
Footsteps are heard right above June’s head. It was the sound of something being lifted off the ground followed by the rhythmic noise of something being dragged. Louder gurgles are heard again, seeming more desperate than before. June noticed that the moist hand that clenched hers so tightly was getting pulled away. Each drag sound tugged more and more on the grip they shared until one final motion pried them apart.
“He…Hel…Help,” A man said with gulps of air sounding as if he was drowning.
The dragging stopped and a door closed. It was quiet.
June’s body jumped off the ground as she heard the hacking from behind the door, the drowning screams of a helpless man. Each swing was a crack, a pop, a mashing sound that filled June with dread.
“Why? Why me? What did I do to always end up like this?” June pondered her life and repressed memories emerged. “Mom…”
“Mrs. Eden they are ready for you to come on to the stage.”
“One fucking second, I have to fix my make-up.” A stunning woman yelled back.
“I never had to fix my make-up until that damn disease came out of me,” The beautiful woman said staring at a little girl sitting in the corner holding a little bear. A lovely dark brown child with flawless skin, played peekaboo with her only friend, Mr. Teddy the bear.
“Ms. Eden, its time!”
“OK… fuck… ok.” She motioned the little girl over.
“Junifer... Junifer come here. Stay here and don’t move. I swear if you move…,” The woman grabbed the child by the head and flung it back.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, stand and applaud… its Alicia Eden!” as the woman entered the room it filled with exuberance.
The little girl continued to play the game with her teddy bear. She covered her eyes then immediately opened them screaming “peekaboo,” before bursting into laughter. She continued this game for 5 minutes before the last time she opened and covered her eyes she spotted an elderly man staring at her. She looked around nervously hoping someone would show up. But she was alone. The man walked up to her and introduced himself.
“Hi, I’m Cliff and you are?”
The little girl was silent and afraid to answer. She held her teddy bear tighter for comfort.
The guy notices this and said, “Oh wow that’s a neat teddy bear what’s his name?”
“Mr.… Mr. Teddy,” She said in a small voice.
“Can I play with Mr. Teddy too?” He asked.
She handed over the Teddy bear.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Teddy. I’m Cliff. Can we be friends?” The man asked the bear.
And with his hand behind Mr. Teddy’s head he shook it up and down. “See Mr. Teddy likes me, why don’t you?” He asked the little girl.
“You’re a stranger.”
“I’m not a stranger. Me and Mr. Teddy are friends. And you can be my friend too.” Cliff said with a smile.
Junifer gave a slight smile back and said, “Hello Cliff, I’m Junifer but my friends call me June.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you June.” Cliff said placing his hand on her lap.
The two played until he noticed the show was coming to an end. Then he ran off in a hurry.
“Junifer come here, it’s time to go. Did you move from that spot?”
“No mom… I didn’t.” June said looking for the man.
Every show from that point on the strange man named Cliff would show up and play with June.
“Junifer would you like to play hide and seek?”
“Yes I would! But mom said I can’t leave from this spot.”
“Don’t worry… It’ll be a quick game. We will be done before her show is over.”
“Ok… let’s play.”
“You count to 10. Me and Mr. Teddy will hide.”
“Yeah, Yeah.”
“Ok start counting”
“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.”
She turned around looking for the pair not seeing either one until her eyes were focusing on a lil waving paw belonging to Mr. Teddy. It poked out from a dark closet almost beckoning the small child to come to it. Junifer crept up to Mr. Teddy. She jumped on the bear yelling “Got you!” Suddenly a hand appeared out the darkness. It grabbed her and said,
“Got you!”
Pulling her into the closet. Not until hours after the show was the little girl found.
The lower half of her dress covered in blood.
Weeks later, the incident was all over the news and it spread that the successful talk show hostess Alicia Eden’s daughter was sexually assaulted on set. Enraged at the backlash and ratings drop, she called for an old friend to come over.
“Are you sure you want to do this Alicia? I don’t live in a safe neighborhood. Worse things may happen to her.” the man said.
“Tony, I don’t give a damn what happens. I want that beast out of here!” The angry mother yelled angrily.
“She is not a beast! She is your daughter!” The man yelled.
“Ever since she was born. She has sapped me for everything: my health, my body, my looks, and now my career.”
“It’s not her fault, she is a child,” the man replied back to the enraged woman. Just then a tearful June steps from behind Tony holding Mr. Teddy.
“Mom I’m so sorry I moved. Please I won’t do it again. It was Mr. Teddy. He became friends with a man,” she said as she laid the bear at her mom’s feet. “Send Teddy away not me. Please. I love you and want to stay with you.”
The woman looked at June and the bear at her feet. She kicked the bear across the room and demanded Tony take June leave her premises right now. As Tony put June into the car, he held her and said,
“Everything will be ok...”
“Mom I’m so sorry I moved from that spot. If I wouldn’t have moved, I wouldn’t be here. Maybe mom would still love me,” June said to herself as she laid still on the floor bonded. “I hate myself, why can’t I be loved? Why can’t I be protected and taken from here?”
A hand is placed on her chest. Tears flowed down her face as she awaited a fate worse than death.
“Maybe he was right I’m just a shell… a Hoe. Nobody cares and nobody even knows I’m here. Maybe I should let them have my body.”
The hand grabbed the mouth gag and removed it. June without thinking cries out, “I just want to be loved.”
The room is eerily quiet as she felt the familiar sensation of another face getting closer to hers. Her heart is pounding but this felt different. Not terrifying, but warm. As hands grasped the blindfold knot behind her head and undid it.
Then she felt a pair of soft lips press against hers.
The blindfold fell to the side.
Episode Nine- not professional edited
“Ugh..., My head hurts so bad.” Shaun sits up off the ground. Rubbing the glossy glaze from his eyes, he feels the nice sensation of grass under his palm. “Wait, where am I? This field that I am in, where is it?” He jumps to his feet, looking around to access his bearing. “Ok… First, I need to get out these woods. And try to find where I’m at.”
“I can’t move my legs. Why I can’t… move my legs?” Shaun stood still. His body shook and twitched as he tried to move his lower appendages. Then he noticed something strange, that he couldn’t feel his legs. A cold chill crept up his back as he thought that something bad has happened to him. He slowly looked down, thinking he was going to see a deep wound, gash, or worse to explain why his legs were not responding. To his surprise there was nothing wrong, no damage to be seen. But he was still unable to move or even feel them.
Suddenly he felt an energy push pass his body, almost knocking him over. It felt evil, malicious. Then he understood; it was paralyses. He was too afraid to move, too afraid to look behind him. Then he heard the unmistakable sound of a long breath being release. It came from deep inside the woods. Shaun could tell it belonged to something big, something hungry. The entity then spoke to him. Its voice was coupled with a mixture of stringy whispers and the sound of an elderly woman, who is losing her voice.
“We know who you are. I know who you are. Defiler. Undeserving. Fallen.”
The voice inched closer until Shaun could feel it on the back of his neck. And it whispered, “I will kill you. We will kill you.”
Shaun tussled as he tried to run. Another voice interfered,
“She is in danger.” Bleep.
“She is in danger.” Bleep.
“She is in danger!” Bleep.
A cold air escapes his lips and his eyes awaken inside a hospital room.
“Shaun… Shaun Hossent,” the Doctor said.
“Good afternoon young man. You’re lucky to be alive. Well actually your body is… quite unique.”
“What?” Shaun asked in a groggy state.
“Oh sorry. I can tell you’re still out of it, so I’ll talk slowly,” the doctor replied.
“I’m Doctor Edman, I was the lead doctor when they brought you in this hospital yesterday evening.” The doctor said and with a chuckle he continued, “My boy you was in a mess. Simply put, you was shot seven times; once in the head, three times in the heart, once each in the mouth, neck and right shoulder.” The doctor pointed to a chart displaying all the wounds Shaun suffered.
In disbelief Shaun asked, “Why am I still alive?”
“Excellent question! Well honestly Shaun I think you have an amazing genetic mutation.
Look at this.” Doctor Edman showed Shaun a video of him in surgery.
“As you see here every time I tried to remove one of the bullets, your body would rapidly heal itself. It made removing them quite difficult. I had to make bigger and deeper incisions to have enough time to remove the item from your body before you healed up on me. It was quite fascinating.”
“What the…” Shaun started to ask but the doctor ended his sentence short.
“That’s not even the strangest thing about you. While working on you, I noticed your body sometimes would harden.”
“Yes harden. Sometime just tougher skin and other times it felt like I was trying to cut through a suit of armor.”
“Yes. And when you put on your armor, your body becomes dense and heavy, very heavy. I needed seven personnel to lift you onto the operating table. Between your healing and armor, you survive those deadly wounds fairly without a scratch on you. Well except that small scar between your eyes.”
Shaun’s eyes crossed as he attempted to look at the scar. When he couldn’t see it, he tried to lift his arms to touch it but then realized that he was shackled to the bed. He looked up at the doctor in slight annoyance.
“My apologies but while you slept you had violent fits. Retraining you was for our and your safety.”
Shaun thought of his dream, laying his head back against the bed, as a nurse walked in.
“Doctor Edman, He has some visitors waiting to see him.”
“Ok nurse. I have just concluded my talk with the young man. See them in.”
The nurse nodded and waved to the guests waiting in the hall. Shaun’ eye was filled with delight as Riley and Jason enter the room.
“Hey! Why ya’ll here?” asked Shaun.
Riley looked at Shaun and answered, “Trying to see why my new brother in the hospital again. Are you depressed?”
“No… What?... How would depression… Nevermind,” A confused Shaun replied.
“Well Mister Hossent, I’ll leave you with you guest. I’ll come back tomorrow. Please consider letting me study you a little longer,” the doctor said as he exited the room.
Riley looked at Shaun strapped to the bed, he shook his head and said, “Bro come on, do we even want to know what’s going on with you?”
Jason chimed in, “Didn’t I say you didn’t have to deal with this shit alone. Tell us what’s up.”
Shaun took a deep breath and begin to tell them everything that has happened since they meet from the race, meeting Sam and getting shot.
Jason glanced at Riley. Then they both burst out into laughter.
“You mean to tell me you out here chasing demon babies and getting turned into swiss cheese?” Jason said laughing uncontrollably. He looked Shaun and said, “Look at me and trust me when I say this dude. I don’t want anything to do with this. What the fuck I look like hunting children that bleed from the ear.”
“And why do all the women you want, have your ass in the hospital? First it was that thot Ceriona and now it what I can only assume a prostitute name June. Are you depressed?” Riley asked.
“Nawl, I’m not depressed. I can’t explain what comes over me when I’m with June. But it feels like she my other half,” Shaun said.
“So you are half a hoe, cause your other half out there getting tossed,” Jason said.
“Jason chill bro,” Riley said with a chuckle. “Look Shaun like we said before you our brother now, you can’t be out here looking for abused children and turning (cough) hoes into housewives (cough)(cough).
“She might not be a hoe,” Shaun said.
“Dude it is getting late. We will come back through tomorrow. And honestly if she is a hoe or is not, it don’t matter. If she means that much to you then go get her dude. Cause she obviously need you and you seem to need her.” Jason said.
“Yes, he need her bro, he depressed,” Riley said as they walk out the hospital room.
Shaun looked at the clock on the wall. Its seven p.m. already. Wow it has gotten late. His eyes drift close as he decided to take a nap.
“In another field. This time there only one tree beside me. Its tall. The tallest tree I’ve ever seen.” As he takes a step forward his foot sinks into the ground. “Gross. What is this black sledge?” Just then the sludge raises from the ground in all directions. Shaun tries to run forward but each step causes him to sink further and further into the black substance. He turns around looking for a way to get out. He soon notices everything has been completely engulf except for one thing. Shaun looks at the tall tree. He thinks maybe from the top he can find a place that hasn’t been submerged. He uses a branch to pulls himself out of the sludge and begin to climb. But the higher he goes, the faster the black liquid raises.
Finally arriving at the peak of the tree, Shaun horrified to see everything has been overrun by the dark ooze. As he scans the terrain for anywhere safe to go. He suddenly felt his body become paralyzed again when two huge eyes awaken from beneath the dark liquid. He could sense the murderous intent of the beast crawling right beneath the surface of the black sludge. It shot out tendrils that chased Shaun further up the tree until he was a the very tiptop. Nowhere left to go he feels the vines-like appendages wrap itself around him. It slowly pulled him towards a now gapping maw filled with jagged and broken teeth. It slung him inside its mouth and begin to close it shut. With the last ounce of light leaving his sight, his mind is overtaken with images of the world burning and endless death. Screams of pain and suffering banged continuously in his head. Vision of people eaten as food and used as toys for countless evil entities.
He slowly begins to suffocate in the liquid. And as he passes unconscious a small light shined brightly in the limitless black sludge. It blinds him. And a voice rings out.
“Protect her!”
His eyes snap open revealing a blazing red glow. He roars out,
Nurses rush in the room to investigate the disturbance. “Shaun calm down. It was only a nightmare,” the nurse yelled over the growling of Shaun. The weight of his body crashes through the hospital bed, leaving a crater in the floor. His claws tear the straps from the rails. “It’s too late to stop him. You see his body. Nothing we can do now,” a second nurse yells grabbing ahold of the first. Shaun raced towards the window as a Nurse yelled, “Shaun we are twenty stories up, you will die from this height.” As the rage control his body, he burst out of the hospital room window falling to the ground below. The nurses hesitantly approached the window, afraid of the sight of young man’s body mangled on the pavement beneath them. Surprised to see Shaun disappear into the night.
Episode Ten- not professional edited
“Patient elopement! Patient elopement! Room 2017.” The intercom sounds through the hospital as nurses scramble around.
“Nurse, what happened?” Doctor Edman asked as he walked into the room.
“Doctor, it was Shaun Hossent, He broke his restraints and jumped out the window!” the nurse replied.
“We are twenty stories up. He should be mush at the bottom of the hospital.” He walked over to the window and peered down. There he saw the cavity in the pavement and said,
“Paging Doctor Edman. I repeat paging Doctor Edman. Please report to Administration.”
The Doctor looked at the horizon, he smiled as mumbled, “What a fine specimen you will be.”
“Paging Doctor Edman. I repeat paging Doctor Edman. Please report to Administration.”
“Yes, I hear it.” The Doctor turned and walked out the room.
Meanwhile, a black sedan arrives at a familiar shady hotel. Two men get out escorting a young female. They pause at a door on the third floor. One of the men knocks.
“Who the hell is it?” a voice was heard on the other side of the wall.
“Mr. Wes your usual delivery is here.”
“It’s about fucking time.” Wes replied.
Footsteps could be heard walking towards the door. It creaked opened to reveal a cubby sand-colored man. His face was shaved up and clean cut. But his body was molly and shabby. He was decorated in cheap jewelry. The man replied,
“Who is this bitch?”
“Your usual is not with us at the moment. We are working hard to rectify that situation. For now, please enjoy this one, half price.” The guard said as he pushed the young girl in the room.
As the girl stepped into the room, her face cringed at the musty-sour cream smell emitting from Wes’s body. He looked down at the girl, whose face showed disgust at the sight of the portly man.
“As usual you paid for one hour,” The man said as the door closed.
Before the door was completely closed, the other escort stopped it and looked at Wes. He opened his jacket revealing a gun and said, “Mr. Wes, we have noticed more and more bruises and cuts were appearing on our merchandise upon pick up. Please refrain from damaging our product or we will take serious measures to make sure you stop.”
“Yeah…Yeah,” Wes said as he closed the door.
He turned around to see the young girl getting undress. He motioned for her to come closer. And with enough might to knock her down he slapped her across the face.
“Don’t ever look at me like that. Do you know who I am? Who I work for? Fucking hoe.”
The young lady crawled up to the bed holding her jaws as it turned red. She saw the man reach under the bed grabbing a sports bag. He unzipped the sack and the girl’s faith dropped. He started removing items that suggested she was about to be tortured. As he placed the rope, taped, and blindfolds down he said,
“See, I have a usual bitch that come through, she shows me the respect I deserve. So, I’m pretty gentle with her.” The man removed a barber’s razor and brass knuckle out of the bottom of the bag.
“But you I have to break and teach you… your place.”
He places the brass knuckles on his hand and walks up to the young girl. She sobbed and covered her face in the only defense posture she knew. He grabs her by the hair and rears back. She turned her face terrified to look at the incoming strike.
Suddenly the door is bashed open.
“What the fuck?” The man said releasing the girl’s hair.
A young man stands in the doorway. His eyes glowing red. Smoke is seeping from between his teeth.
“Who the hell are you?” Wes asked.
“June…. June?” Wes looks around in ponderance. Then he remembered.
“Oh… you mean my regular. You mad about how I handle her. Not my fault. She thinks she too beautiful, so I have to knock her down a few pegs.” Wes said giggling. He crept to the dresser against the wall. The young man walked slowly towards him. Wes reached the dresser, his giggling become louder and he said, “She was a great fuck though.”
“June!” The young man rush at Wes growling uncontrollably. Wes pulled out a gun and fired six shot into the young man’s body. He fell to the floor. Wes walked over to him and placed the gun on the young man’s head.
“Do you know who I am? Hell…I’m the one who captured that bitch and drove her to Fila. And will do the same to all the bitches in your life after I kill…”
In a flash the young man grabbed Wes’s hand. He bit into the torturer’s wrist and ripped it from his body. Wes screamed in pain and stumbled back. He is holding his freshly severed nub over his head as it squirts blood all over him. The young man stands up. Bullets fall to the floor. He walked up to Wes. Grabbing the torturer’s face, he drags Wes to the hotel room sink. The young man viciously begins to slam the helpless Wes’s face against the hard-ceramic sink. Each impact with the sink sent Wes’ teeth, bone, and skin flying into the sky. Each slam distorted the torturer’s face more and more until Wes was unrecognizable. Wes tried to use his hand and bloody nub to brace himself. But the young man forced the torturer’s face onto the sink’s surface. Slowly he smashed Wes’s face into the ceramic shell. The sound of breaking bones and Wes’ eyes popping caused the lady witnessing the event to pass unconscious. Desperate gurgles of the word “stop” escaped the torturer’s’ mouth as the boy pressed the man face deeper into the sink. Crushing the torturer’s face in the process. Wes’ laid limp until the young man grabbed the torturer’s leg and dragged him. He walked towards to door. Suddenly two men with guns stood in his way. He flings Wes’s body at the gunmen knocking one off the third floor. As the second man tries to regain his balance the young man lunges forwards tackling him, sending both overwhelming rail. The man grabbed the boy tightly turning him towards the terrain hoping use him to cushion. But the young man broke free of the gunman’s grasp. He flipped the man over his shoulder. The young man balled his first as tight as he could. Grabbing the gunman’s collar and positioned his arm to deliver a devastating blow. The sound of the young man’s body solidified hard as steel, gave warning to the strike to come. And when the pair collided with the terrain, the young man punched the man’s face with such a force that it went through the solid concrete. The man that was knocked off the third floor by Wes’ body recovered. His gun aim, ready to fire as the young man rose from ground. He fired shots in the direction of the young man. But his figure vanished from the gunman’s sight. The young man appeared behind the gunman. He grabbed the gunman’s head, pulled it back revealing the gunman’s vulnerable neck. The young man sank his teeth into the man’s flesh tearing out his throat. Blood spewed into the air; the young man grinned as the blood drenched his clothing.
“What is the feeling? I feel good… I feel free… I want to hunt.”
As the excitement ended, he picked back up the scent to lead him to the rundown hotel.
“Shea butter and honey.”
He sped through the darkness of night. Suddenly he stopped at a corner, standing under a lone streetlight, a familiar horrendous odor entered his nose. It mixed with the sweet smell of the fragrance he was following. He teeth gritted when he remembered who and where he smelt that scent before.
“The bleeding child.”
He peered in the direction of the foul smell and sprinted down the ominous street.
As he arrived at a pristine neighborhood, the smell got stronger leading him into an eerily quiet cul-de-sac. He quickly covered his nose when he noticed there was multiple smells from multiple creatures.
“Four… Seven…. No, Fourteen.”
He shook his head to clear his mind and followed the scent that traveled with the smell of honey. The young man laid his hands on the porch in front of a well-kept house. The fragrance was strong here.
“June,” he growled.
As he reached for the door noises inside the house cause him to quickly vacate the porch and search for another way in. He searched the perimeter of house until he noticed a window leading into the basement. The young man grabbed the frame and pulled it off. He crawled inside the basement of the house. The smell of death and rot filled the air. He noticed a man tied to a post. He crept close to the man to see if he was still alive. But as the young man eased closer the bonded man felt the breath of the boy against his face and violently thrashed about asking for help in a gagged voiced. The action causes the young man to fall back tripping over a body on the ground. Right above him he noticed another body hanging up from the basement ceiling. He could smell something moving inside her. She wailed in pain. As he reached out to grab her. The smell of honey and shea butter rose up from beneath him. He slowly looked down to see her.
His second half. His mate.
She laid motionless on the floor hands tied over her head, blindfolded and gagged. He slowly untied the roped that bound her hands together. She did not move. Even after the rope fell to the floor her kept her hands above her head. He reached his hands beneath her head and undid the blindfold covering her eyes. He pulled back when he felt her body tremble in anxiety. However, the blindfold stayed in place. Only when he released her lips from the fabric that prevent her speech did he hear the words that filled him with sorrow and longing.
“I just want to be loved.”
The red flame of demise left young man’s eyes. His heart throbbed. He eyes widen as he regains himself. He wanted to embrace the young lady, but he was covered in blood. The room was silent. He wiped the blood of his face and leaned in. Scared that he cannot control his body and cause her further harm, he did the only thing left. He gently placed his lips on her. The motion of their heads caused the blindfold to fall from her face. Slowly the young lady eyes fixated on the figure in front of her.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried out,
He smiled as he lifted her off the ground. He carried her to the window he came in through. Suddenly his nose went into the air and he placed her back onto the floor and stared at the upstairs door intently. It creaked open.
“Ah… Fallen one. Sorry that’s my property.
Episode Eleven not professional edited
"Delvin, sweetie? What's that noise? Are you ok?" she yells.
He hears the lovely voice of his wife calling out to him. He starts to sweat, looking at the top of the staircase.
“Please…Don’t come down here. Racheal don’t come down those stairs.”
The sound of her voice faded further away. He released a sigh of relief when he didn’t hear her anymore. He relaxed and sat onto a metal folding chair behind him. He looked down worried when the chair made a loud screeching noise.
The basement doorknob begins to twist.
He nervously attempted to hide but his body went limp. The pain in his head was gone. He watches her come down the stairs. She rubs the blood that was on the wall.
"Delvin. Delvin. Honey, are you ok?
“Stay awake baby… don’t come closer.”
She pauses when she sees the axe in his hands.
“Feed us Feed us.”
“I will not hurt them I will not hurt them.”
"Sweetie, did you hit your head? Should I call for help?”
“Let go of the damn axe”
The axe slips from his hands as he looks up at his beautiful wife.
"Nawl Babe, I was looking for this ax. I need to clear the branches in the backyard…”
“No Racheal… Run. This isn’t me talking. Run!”
“…and bumped my head on the wall. It hurt so fucking bad, babe. I needed to sit down."
His wife chuckle, “Aww I’m so sorry baby.” She leaned down to help lift her husband into her arm and kiss him on the forehead.
“Her body feels so warm. It smells so nice. Her lips are so tasty. She will make a good nest for my eggs.”
His mind went blank.
“Is Sam’s car ready?” She asked.
“Yes.” He replied.
“What’s going on?” His mind awakens as he realizes his arms moving by themselves. A warm liquid splashing on his face. “What the hell is going on?” He watches as the axe rises into the air and then slams down into a soft mushy material.
“What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? Stop, please stop.”
Tears of blood flowed down his face as he watched each swing of the axe enter deeper and deeper into his beloved wife’s body.
“Racheal. Oh god!”
He drops the axe beside him. He looks at the corpse in front of him. He leans forward, smelling the fresh blood as it drains from her body. He smiles. He begins to vomit into the pile of fleshy body parts that was stack together.
Just then he heard the sounds of a child playing. The playful sounds that a race car would make. He grabs the axe and crept slowly behind the little boy sitting in the little “Wagon Racer” car. Slowly the axe goes into the air.
“Never! Never! You will not hurt my son!”
The axe drops to the floor. The little boy turns around and notice his daddy standing behind him. He jumps out of the car and sprint towards his father. Devlin takes a step back.
“Sam… Sam… move away from me.”
“I missed you. Mom said you had a surprise for me. I bet it’s my Wagon Racer, huh? Is it the Wagon Racer?”
“I missed you too.” “I missed you too.” “Shut up. Shut up. You don’t miss him.”
“Daddy, where’s mom?” the little boy asked.
Tears of blood begins to flow from Delvin’s eye. He grabs his son tightly around the neck and begins to squeeze. His son squirmed, kicked, and begged his father to stop. He grabbed at h
s father arms and muffled a sound.
“Daddy, you’re hurting me.”
“Let him go! Let him go! Let him go!”
The boy passes out with tears in his eyes. Delvin gently lays his son on the floor.
“Ahh!” He screams so loud but its only in his head.
Then a voice unfamiliar to Delvin leaves his lips.
“He will be the first.”
A Few days later. Delvin walks up the stairs. He opens the door to his son’s room.
Inside Sam is tied up. He is moaning in pain. “Seems the sedatives have worn off.” “I’m so sorry…” Delvin grabs a needle off the table. Its filled with a strange clear liquid. He inserts the needle into the little boy arm. Moments later Sam falls back to sleep. He walks into the bathroom and stares at his image. He faces is changing almost seem like its melting.
“I will not let you use me to hurt people. My wife. My son.”
“You are fighting me. I guess I will need a new host soon”
Suddenly, a knock is heard on the door. As Delvin approached, he notices flashing lights on the other side of his window.
“Officer” “Help. Help. My son!”
“Good Evening, Mr. Clem. Delvin Clem correct?”
“That is correct,” Delvin answers. “This isn’t me.”
I am Officer Keith Richard, and this is my partner Officer Lance Walker. We are sorry to bother you today. But we have a warrant to inspect the premises. Complaints have been coming in about a strong smell and your wife hasn’t been seen in some time.” Delvin looked around outside, seeing two police officers, he replied, “Come in sir. Feel free to search my house.” The two policemen enter the premises. Immediately they could feel the pressure in the air. As they looked at each other both drew their guns from the holster. Officer Keith positioned himself behind Delvin as they scoured the house. Officer Walker heard a faint knocking upstairs, he spoke to his partner.
“Did you hear that?”
“Hear what?”
“There was a noise upstairs.”
Officer Walker said as he started moving towards the second-floor stairs. They pass the door to the basement the scent of decay caught Keith’s attention. He drifts from the two as they were making their way upstairs. He opened the basement door and slowly walked down the dark stairway. Delvin took heed to the disappearance of the Officer behind him. As the Officer Walker got closer to Sam’s room, the bumping got louder. Officer Walker pushed the door open. He was stunned at the sight of Sam fasten tightly to the bed. The Officer quickly grip his gun and turns hastily. He greets the hollowed, piercing eyes of Delvin behind him. The Officer begins to raise his weapon, but Delvin grabbed his arm preventing him from moving it. The policeman used his free hand and secures his baton. He swings it with all his might striking Delvin’s face knocking out his left eye. Color left his face as he witnesses little claw-like arms grabbing the drooping eye, pulling it back into the socket. Delvin grabs the Officer free arm. His back begins to bulge. Breaking through his shirt was two sharp whip-like appendages. They flailed violently causing the blades at the tip to dance in the air. Officer Walker’s took a deep breath, his mouth opens, in an attempt to scream for his partner. But was silenced when Delvin’s bladed limbs pierces his Adam’s apple. Delvin releases the mortally wounded man. Officer Walker falls to the floor. Holding his throat. Delvin grabs the Officer’s arm, drags his body out of his son’s doorway.
“Forgive me. Gods forgive me.”
Officer Keith continues to search for the source of the awful order coming from the basement. He turns the corner of a large shelf. His pauses in shock as he stares at the bloody bundles of flesh laying on the floor. He grabs his radio and begins to walk backwards.
“Lance… Lance, do you hear me? Subdue Mr. Clem at once!
Officer Keith shudders when he didn’t get a reply but hears his voice over his partner radio. It was right behind him. Before he could turn around, he felt a weird pressure in his stomach. He looks down and see a blade jetting through his abdomen. Delvin pulled the whip-like appendage out of Officer Keith’s stomach. And watches him collapse to the floor onto the pile of skin and meat. Officer Walker body was toss on the mound with him.
Policemen Keith eyes slowly closes; however, he notices small creatures moving in and out the hill of flesh. And before his eyes shut, he sees one go into partner’s neck.
Delvin conscious fades and awakens days later.
“Sam, we need a fresh nest for a new clutch of eggs. Go find someone and bring them into this building I will be waiting for you.”
“Yes father.” “I’m not your father. You’re not my child, Sam. You are a monster!”
Hazy memories of a soul trapped in a body. His mind flashes, jumping from moment to moment.
“Hey, I think I found your son sitting on the edge of the street crying. I’m guessing you are working on this vacant store. And he got away from you. Please be more careful. It’s dangerous for children his age out there.” A nice woman says. She is holding the small hand of Sam.
“That’s not my son! You are dumb for coming here. This beast will kill you.”
As the man comes closer. Her dog begins to bark wildly. She looks down and sees Sam bleeding from the face. She begins to panic. She drops the boy’s hands and flees. But its too late. Delvin stabs her in the stomach with both tentacles, ripping her in half. The door swings open all that is left in a large puddle of blood and a purse.
Another faded memory
“Don’t worry, you are part my family now and will serve my queen, the All-Mother.” Delvin lifts the woman up hanging her from the basement’s ceiling. He places a small nearly invisible creature on her body. It dives into her skin. “Welcome to our family. You will be trapped in this hell like I am. It’s like watching a movie; a dreadful movie. I would say I’m sorry, but you can’t hear me anyway.”
His mind fades again, it wakes to the violent intrusion of his once peaceful house.
“You injured my boy pretty badly. I don’t think he can hold his neck on much longer,” Delvin said. He sits on top of this young lady’s torso. His hand grasping her throat. He can feel her trembling. “Luckily, you’re here. Once he’s done shredding that skin, he will take your body.”
“She tried to kill my son! Do not turn her. Chop her up. Make her into flesh for the new brood.
She trying to destroy the only thing left to me. My family.”
Delvin stands, looks at Officer Walker in the corner. “Grab him! Chop him up before he bleeds out. He will be food for the new brood.” They grabbed the arm of a man barely hanging on to life. The back of his neck was bitten out. They drag him into a room. And begins to dissect him.
“I’m going upstairs to check on Sam.”
“You will need a new body soon, Lord InSeTep,” The policeman says.
“Nawl this one is finally accepting me”
Delvin walks up the basement stair and towards Sam’s room, when he hears a noise in the basement. He turns back to investigate.
“Ah… Fallen one. Sorry that’s my property.”
Episode Twelve not professional edited
Sounds of leaking pipes echo in the dark. Delvin creeps down the stairs his eyes pinned on Shaun’s. With each step, Shaun’s body stiffen as if he senses the danger emitting off Delvin’s presence.
“Sir, I don’t want any trouble. I just want to walk out of here with my friend,” Shaun says.
Delvin looks at June, he raises his decrepit finger and points to her. His back begins to bulge, releasing a horrid smell as his dilapidated skin rips. An ominous voice replaces Delvin’s as it speaks,
“Son of the most hated. You will die. And she will be made a slave to the All Mother.”
The two truly felt the desperation of their situation as Officer Walker moved around the large shelf holding a bloody ax.
“This is the Fallen’s descendant. I will make him into meat,” the policemen say.
Shaun looks back at June. He raises his arm and push her back.
“Stay behind me.”
She backpedals into the corner. Her hands up to defend herself. She stares at Shaun’s back. His head is facing the ground and his body is trembling. Slowly her hands fall to her side. She looks directly at the threat staring back at them.
“How can I get us out of this. How can I protect her?” Shaun thinks.
His mind racing as he realized that they are trapped. As his spirit crumbles, he feels the soft touch of June’s hand land gently on his shoulder. She steps beside him, lifts onto her tiptoes and kisses him on the cheek.
“Shaun thank you so much for coming to save me. I’m so sorry this happened. But again, I never been so happy. For once in life someone came for me. Came to remove me from the hell I suffered in. And I’m happy to die with the belief that I am loved. Even if it’s just a farce.”
She faces the aggressors with determination. Grabs a pipe off the floor and prepares to attack.
“Run Shaun. They are not trying to kill me. I’ll block them as long as a can while you try to escape.” She says as she takes hesitated steps towards the assailants.
Shaun watch as June saves him once again.
“What’s wrong with me I came for her. Now I am in front of her and I am being a coward.” Shaun pondering in his mind. Then a voice echo in his brain.
“Protect her.”
Built up on the hopes of saving Shaun, the man that loves her. June charges Delvin. Just then Shaun grabs her arm and pulls her into his chest. She quickly raises her head up and looks directly into his eye. The glossy glaze of newly wiped tears from her face shines in the damp basement.
“Shaun, please let me go. I need to do this. Let me make my own choice. Let me be human.”
As she looked into Shaun’s eyes, she feels his body temperature raise. Steam flowed from between his clenched teeth. His eyes glowed red.
“What are your orders?” Shaun said in a deep menacing voice.
“What you mean. I’m confused,” June said.
“Give a command, My Queen. Rip them to pieces. Eat their faces. Defile their bodies. I will do all for you.”
She notices his body stopped shivering. The intense glow in his eyes as he holds her tight. It gives her a sense that he would keep her safe from harm. She places her hand on his chest covering his heart and say,
“Take me home please.”
Shaun looks down onto her. His eyes completely drenched in a deep blood red. He tilted his head and gives a creepy crescent smile, displaying large canine teeth.
“Anything for you. My Queen.”
Shaun gently moves June behind him.
“This will be gross, please try to stay out of it.” Shaun says with a smile. He looks up at the two men. “Disgusting parasites, how dare you… Nevermind I need to get her home.”
Delvin’s spread his arms wide blocking the way to the stairs. Officer Walker follows by slamming the back of the axe on the ground cracking the floor, making heavy grunts with each massive blow. Finally, the raging policeman rushes Shaun. His axe raises over his shoulder. As he enters striking distance, he swings the axe with all his might. It connects sending a shockwave that breaks the metal shelves behind Shaun. June covers her face, as the dust created by the deadly swing of the policeman, blinds her. She looks up and yells for Shaun. As she rubs her eyes, the dirt settles revealing Shaun standing in the same spot. She franticly searches for the policemen. Until she notices a body indented in the wall in the same direction the officer Walker was in. But his head is missing. A slight smile of hope crosses her face. Delvin stands still fixated on Shaun.
“Can we do this? Yes, this filth cannot compare to us. He caught and crushed that axe with his bare hand, and in an instant, he punched Walker’s head hard enough to cause it to burst. Watch human I will show you the power of the All Mother’s primes.”
Delvin back explodes with two tentacles that reaches up to the basement ceiling slicing through it.
“I am InSeTep! Lord of the New Brood,” He roars.
Delvin launches his one of whip-like tentacles at Shaun. It craves up the floor as it travels towards him at lightning speed. Shaun dodges but it’s too swift. The tentacle pieces into his right shoulder. Delvin whips the appendages causing it to dig deeper into the wound. Shaun grabs the rope-like barb. He smiles and says “You will need more…” Just then he feels the pressure of the second barb enters his stomach and protrudes through his back.
“Silence you foul creature. I will crave you up. But I will not feed your unworthy body to my young. No… you will be discarded… like before.”
Delvin begins to retract his limbs. But is shock to realize they are secured in Shaun’s body after he healed and harden the skin around them. Shaun grips the leathery flesh whips. With a swift turn, he pulls the tentacles over his shoulder sending Delvin to fly towards him. Where Shaun is poised to attack. Shaun sends a strong right jab towards Delvin. The force of the air that follows the punch strikes the wall, blowing a hole into it. But the monster quickly dunks under Shaun’s fist. It lunges with its clawed hand at Shaun’s face, but the young man quickly grabs Delvin’s neck with his left hand slamming he to the ground. Delvin watches again as Shaun pulls back his arm. A dark auburn air surrounds his fist. Sensing the devastating that will happen if struck by that punch. Two more tentacles spring forth from Delvin lower back. They aim at Shaun’s face, shooting up and managing to damage the young man’s left eye. Shaun stumbles back, in that moment his harden slacks releasing Delvin’s pinned tentacles. The monster quickly uses those to grab the ceiling and pull itself away from Shaun.
Delvin looks at the young man and says, “Your body is a sick perversion of beings, you shouldn’t exist.” “InSeTep, I don’t want any more harm to Sam. Let us end this quick. Aim for the girl my Lord.” Delvin looks at the decapitated body of Officer Walker, then turns back and unleash a fury of slashes at Shaun.
June watches the two beasts’ gruesome battle. Delvin wraps its limbs around Shaun, throwing him into the roof. Breaking the ceiling. Crumbling pieces fall upon June. She dives out the way to avoid the incoming debris. She lifts herself off the floor but catches a glimpse of little deformed legs emerging from the fallen officer’s neck. Beaded eyes of a grotesque monster stares at June, as it slips out the policemen’s husk. The small dog sized insect crawled down officer Walker’s body. Its body cover in a soft exoskeleton with a skull shaped head that houses a pair of sharp mandibles. It has six insectoid legs: each ending with a sharp hooked claw. Its long, large tail whipped back and forth, displaying the multiple webbed-like skin flaps at the end. June could not move; she is panic stricken. Suddenly the insect beast bolts towards her. She screams and runs away. Shaun turns and watches the beast chase June but in his distraction Delvin’s tentacle’ slices through Shaun’s neck. Nearly decapitating the young man, but Shaun grabs the appendage before it takes his head off. He pulls Delvin towards him and whips the tentacles causing Delvin to crash into the wall. Shaun sprints after June. But trips when Devlin’s tentacles wrapped around his legs. The beast pulls Shaun back in its direction. Shaun watches as June race upstairs with the insect beast scampering behind her.
June jumps up the last steps. She turns to shut the door, but the small beast leaped on top of her. She tumbles into the kitchen counter, knocking down a tray of utensils. Holding back the snapping jaws of the rabid creature, its claws clamps into her skin. She pulls her legs under the creature, thrusts it off her. Scraps of skin tear from her body, as the creature flies into the kitchen table. She crawls to a knife, flips over and points the edge at the large insect. But it was gone.
She stands slowly keeping, her vision on the empty kitchen. The knife shakes with her hands as she crept backwards. Sounds of light hissing encases the room. Her head swivels trying to locate the source. But In the corner of the ceiling white sunken eyes watches her every movement. Its waits for her to get in the right position, before jumping onto her back. It sinks its claws into her back. June screams and struggles to rid herself of the beast. She runs backwards into a wall over and over crushing the insect with each impact. The insect falls off her back as she falls forward. She catches her balance and runs up the stairs. She enters the first door she sees. But halts when she sees Sam laying in the bed. Shock take hold but she covers her mouth. She slowly walks up to Sam and raises the knife up. Suddenly she hears the tapping noise of something on the stairs, coming her way. She hides in the closet. Holding the knife ready. The tapping noise stops and its quiet now. A sense of relief washes over her as she contemplates hiding here into Shaun comes for her.
“No. I need to escape… With him.”
She grabs the handle of the sliding closet. Until a thick viscous substance falls on her neck. She looks up to see the sharp mandibles of the beast dropping on her. She closes her eyes and jets the knife upward. She feels the blade penetrates the large insect as it descends. The entrails of the beast fall onto her body causing her and the beast to tumble out of the closet. She lays there, trying to catch her breath. But a shriek jolts her off the floor. Looking at the bed she sees Sam looking directly at her.
The screeching sounds of Sam causes Delvin to look up. “Sam!” He quickly looks back at Shaun. He smirks and says, “Sounds like your friend has meet her end.”
Shaun smile back and says, “You looked worried when you heard that sound. You scared Sam met his end.”
“Shut your sick mouth.”
Delvin begins to whip his tendrils violently striking Shaun’s body. Shaun push ahead towards Delvin as the tentacles bounce off his reinforced skin. Every step cracking the ground. Shaun grabs Delvin and slams him into the ground. Shaun throws a punch; his fist punctures the ground as Delvin shifts his head dodging the strike. Delvin wraps each of his tentacles around Shaun limbs and lifts him off the ground. The basement door creaks open, gaining the attention of Shaun and Delvin. They both watch with anticipation to see who emerges at the bottom of the steps. Delvin smiles as he sees Sam dragging an unconscious June.
“Your whore lost the fight,” Delvin speaks with a chuckle.
But his smile subsides when he notices the look on Shaun’s face. A dark auburn aura encases Shaun’s body. Delvin’s tendrils snap under the weight of Shaun’s body. He falls like a meteor, crashing into the man, leaving a large cavity in the floor. Through the dust Sam watches as the red eyes glares fiercely at him. Sam lowers his teeth around June’s neck to warn the rampaging young man. However, before he could get close enough to the young lady, Shaun kicks him in the jaw knocking out several teeth, sending his tumbling to the walls. Shaun stands over the small child lifting his leg to crush the young boy under his boot. Delvin's mind screams,
Then tries to move but cannot.
“Calm yourself human. Its just a drone I can make move. Better than him,” InSeTep scolds him.
Slowly Delvin takes a step forwards, then breaks out into a sprint.
“But that’s my son!”
Delvin lounges on Shaun’s back only to be slam against the wall. He feels a sharp pain, coughs up blood. Looking down and notices Shaun has punched a hole in his stomach. Shaun turn his hand reaches deep in Delvin’s body and pulls out a worm-like creature. Its writhes in his hands until Shaun crushed it and throws Delvin and InSeTep across the room. Shaun releases a mighty dark roar. As he looks down at an injured June. Delvin opens his eyes; his breathing is irregular, and he knows he about to die. He watches as the worm slither away. He crawls to something near his lawnmower but collapse. Shaun keels in front of June wiping the dirt from her face. He stands and faces the door separating them and the mounds of dead flesh. Suddenly the door burst open. Slithering out was an amalgamation of body parts, held together by hundreds of small tendrils. Three torsos stack on top of each other with two pair of arms on each. It whips a horrific tail made of six severed legs crudely sewed thigh to foot. Its head was a long skeletal sharp with six eyes, three in each socket. The human eyes of the victims laying dead in the pile. Its mouth was a round leathery hole, resembling that of a leech. It scurried swiftly across the ground leaving a blood trail behind it. Shaun rushes the monstrosity suddenly he stops as he watches Sam standing in front of it. Behind the young boy was Delvin, Sam stretched out his arms to prevent the beast from hurting the dying man.
“You dare defy me I’m the All Mother’s Prime… InSeTep.”
The monster screamed. It grabs the boy and throws his against the wall. As the boy hits the ground his neck begins to bleed. A deep evil growl causes the monster InSeTep to focus on Shaun. The dark auburn aura intensified. Suddenly he vanishes from the monster’s sight. Reappearing above its head. It watches in panic-stricken horror as Shaun came barreling towards it. Shaun’s body seemed to absorb all color around him as he delivers a devastating blow that created a large chasm in the floor. It breaks the foundation of the house causing it to start crumbling. Nothing of the beast InSeTep is left as Shaun crawls out of the hole. He straggles to June in attempt to escape the destruction of the house. But as he lifts June, he sees Delvin laying on the floor, Sam under his arm. He pulls his son close and tips over a gas container. He smiles at Shaun before a produces a small lighter from his pocket.
Its strikes.
Flames engulfs the father and son as the house collapses around them.
The morning comes bring beams of light shine into her closed eyes causing June to open them slowly. She is laying in an open patch of grass in a wooded area. She pushes herself up to look for Shaun, scanning the area for Sam and the other beasts. Just then, Shaun pulls her back to his chest and speaks,
“My apologies. I couldn’t get you home as order… my Queen.”
June smile and lays her head back on his chest and says,
“This is my new home. But do better next time.”
Your story is awesome. I haven't finished reading but this is so wonderful. Kudos to you❤️❤️❤️
I felt every emotion and was hanging on to every word. I'm so proud of you and I can't wait to support you in your release of this as a series. You are truly a gifted writer.
Good Job !! ❤️ Always your fan !!
This just keeps getting better... Got me ready for more hopefully soon
I’m already hooked as this is getting good!!! I almost wish this was a whole novel that I can go ahead and read all the way through! Im excited about reading this!